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28 JULY - 11 AUGUST 2012

ARTcycle residency at INDEX project space

Residency Action Committee Vehicle (corrected dates)

preparations for the post-petrol economy
28 July
Inner West Food and Art Trail
Free. Meet 10am Arterial Gallery
Inner West Food and Art Trail Map
29 July
Rolling Sketch Tour
$30 including materials. Limit 10.
Meet 1pm Tempe Station.
30 July
Install INDEX – 9am/5pm.
Tue – Fri
31 Jul-
3 Aug
Open workshops – 9am/5pm.
Free. INDEX project space, St Peters.
4 Aug
Arte Povera workshop and soup kitchen
Free. INDEX project space. 9am/1pm. 
ART1st Ride Initiative -
Free. Meet INDEX 1pm.
ART1st Ride Initiative Map
5 Aug
Rolling Sketch Tour
$30 including materials. Limit 10.
Meet 1pm Addison Rd Markets.
6-10 Aug
To be confirmed.
11 Aug
Arte Povera workshop and soup kitchen
Free. INDEX project space. 9am - 1pm.
Closing drinks – 12pm/1pm.

ARTcycle Inc will hold a two week long exploration of issues of sustainability, imaginings of a post-petrol economy, derives in the local environment, close scrutiny of historical and ecological themes.

Artists and members are invited to participate in rides, discussions and workshops and the inclusion of artworks suitable for display in the central gallery space.

Flyer: The Gamut - Residency Action Committee vehicle (pdf updated 7 July 2012)

Contact: Gilbert at or

INDEX space
60 Hutchinson St,
St Peters. NSW
(02) 9590 7704
(please enter via gate on Lackey St, look for the white bicycle symbol)
The Sydney Green Ring (
ARTcycle Inc (

This project was supported by a grant from the New South Wales Government - Arts NSW and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments. The program is administered by the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA).

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24-29 OCTOBER 2011

(click on image to enlarge)

'Sketching the Gamut' 

INDEX studios, 60 Hutchinson St, St Peters. NSW 2204 (02) 9590 7704

25 October (Tue)  
  • 6-7pm - Opening drinks. INDEX studios, 60 Hutchinson St, St Peters.
  • 7pm - Forum. Panel speakers and open discussion to follow of issues raised by Sydney Green Ring. Speakers TBA.
29 October (Sat)
  • 12-1pm - Rally for GreenWay at Johnson Park, Dulwich Hill.
  • 1pm - GreenWay Day ride, from Johnson Park Dulwich Hill to INDEX for closing drinks of the Sketching the Gamut exhibition

ARTcycle Inc. ATVP and INDEX. are presenting Sketching the Gamut  a week long exhibition in October at INDEX. Art Space.

'The Gamut',
 is an art project that will involve drawing upon the face of the city, the rough outline of a circle. This form, called The Sydney Green Ring will not be drawn in pencil or ink, but in the topography and built environment of the living city. By mapping together and connecting existing infrastructure, green spaces, waterways, bicycle paths, sites of historical and artistic importance, The Gamut will both discover and inscribe this form in the awareness and imagination of its public. Thus emphasizing and iterating these implicit connections, The Gamut will endeavor to make them manifest, actualizing the circle into a unified, usable, sustainable form inscribed onto the already existing topography of the city.

Sketching The Gamut will present a body of work exploring and promoting the potentials of The Sydney Green Ring to improve the sustainability, livability, and biodiversity of the Inner Sydney Region. All works will be propositional and speculative, experimental models describing or evoking projects that could potentially be made in the real environment as a part of the larger project of The Gamut. Proposed works need not be achievable but should explore and promote the potentials of The Sydney Green Ring with the intention of opening dialogue and developing strategies toward real world outcomes.


This project was supported by a grant from the New South Wales Government - Arts NSW and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments. The program is administered by the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA).

(click on image to enlarge)

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24-25 SEPTEMBER 2011

'Tour The Green Ring'  
(click on image to enlarge)

(click on image to enlarge)

Saturday 24 September and Sunday 25 September  2011

This ride is a NSW Bike Week event supported by NSW Government through the RTA and is part of The Gamut Series of events.

All BNSW Ride Conditions apply (see PushOn for disclaimer). All Riders must be current or temporary members of ARTcycle, and we encourage all cyclists to join BNSW.

Free event - registration essential. Download the pdf form here. Scan and return or print mail to the address on the form.


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13 JUNE 2010

'The Gauntlet'
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